Saturday, November 21, 2015

2nd Test Run

Today we did our 2nd test run of our 2nd prototype using play dough as a substitute for manure (or other compostable materials that would be used). This second run through we were hoping to make sure that all leaks were fixed, that we could easily put a substance similar to what would actually be used (play dough, as opposed to dirt/leaves/rocks which we used on our 1st run-through) down the PVC pipe and into the biodigester. We also wanted to ensure that nothing clogged up the faucet (success!) and that we could let as much water out as possible.

After pouring water in (about 3/4 the way up the bottom bucket) we dropped in all the play dough and mixed it up.

We were happy to see that it was still easy to mix with our mixing stick (a normal stick that we deemed the mixing stick), and we let it all sit for a few minutes before turning the faucet to let the water come out.
Once we got out as much water as possible, we took the top bucket off and were satisfied with the manure-like mess that had accumulated at the bottom. We were able to transport the bottom bucket of stuff over to a woodsy area and dump it out (though likely anyone using this would dump it into another bucket or wheelbarrow).

We still have 2 really minor leaks, which we'll be able to fix with some additional caulking, but other than that we are pretty satisfied with our 2nd prototype and will be ready to present on Tuesday. Unfortunately we will not be able to test the gas faucet, as we do not have access to the proper materials that would allow for actual biodigestion to occur (nor is it the right climate/temperature for these processes to occur quickly), but we hope that in a better climate and with the right material enough methane will be produced to serve the hopes of Grupo Fenix.

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